Dee in Hosanna

Dee is now in her sixth year of serving as a missionary educator in Ethiopia. She worked to set up a kindergarten for 200+ students near Butajira, Ethiopia. When the teachers were competent in managing their own school she went to Hosanna, Ethiopia. Now, her focus is on training teachers to become trainers of other teachers. The lab school is the Kindergarten of the Hosanna Kale Heywet Church. Dee is also working with Hanna's Orphans to set up an orphanage which opened there in July of 2009.

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Dee's mailing address is: Dr. Dee Donalson, P.O. Box 38, Hosanna, Ethiopia

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Good News to Share

Dee has accepted a position to be on faculty at the Kale Hewitt Bible College in
Hosanna, Ethiopia. During that time she will teach English to the
students. She also plans to set up a Kindergarten for the children of married students and faculty. It will be used as a model for training kindergarten teachers who are
wanting to start Christian schools in their churches.

Kale Hewitt was started by SIM (Sudinese Interior Missions) in the 1920s and
they have thousands of churches over the globe wherever they send pastors
and missionaries. Their missionaries can go where American Missionaries are
not wanted. The government only recently opened a window for schools in the
churches and the adm. does not know how long that will be opened.

In addition, Dee will be writing syllabus for each class she can teach at the
teachers' training college Kale Hewitt is building near Hosanna. Then, she will
moved to the college when it is completed into staff housing.

Thank you for your prayers!


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