Dee in Hosanna

Dee is now in her sixth year of serving as a missionary educator in Ethiopia. She worked to set up a kindergarten for 200+ students near Butajira, Ethiopia. When the teachers were competent in managing their own school she went to Hosanna, Ethiopia. Now, her focus is on training teachers to become trainers of other teachers. The lab school is the Kindergarten of the Hosanna Kale Heywet Church. Dee is also working with Hanna's Orphans to set up an orphanage which opened there in July of 2009.

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Dee's mailing address is: Dr. Dee Donalson, P.O. Box 38, Hosanna, Ethiopia

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ethiopian Wedding-tent

A tent is set up at the Groom's family home for a reception with the elders. Many curious village people peep inside.


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